Bairro da Ponte Nova - Itapira - SP

Lusitanus Dressage Team

At the end of 2022 the common interest and goal of the Portuguese breeder Carlos Gomes (Coudelaria Abbatiale), and of the Brazilian breeders, Simone Novak (Comando SN) and Geraldo Lefosse (Haras das Mangueiras) gave birth to the binacional Lusitanus Dressage Team.

The young Portuguese rider Mário Freire was responsible for training and first competition of the horses. He conducted the stallion Odin Comando SN to win the Modelos and Andamentos contests at Feira da Golegã 2022 and Feira Ponte de Lima 2023.

Nowadays the Team is formed by the stallions Ibérico das Mangueiras and Poema Abbatiale, trained and competing respectively by the Portuguese rider Mafalda Galiza Mendes and the Spanish Olympic rider Cláudio Castilla.

On its first competition at the St. George class in the CDE Ponte de Lima of April 27, 2023, Ibérico and Mafalda got the First Place with the excellent rate of 72,500%. For more information of the Lusitanus Dressage Team please go to the Instagram @lusitanusdressage.

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Fotos: Ney Messi, José Roberto Sígolo e amigos do Haras | Powered by